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National Energy Authority - Employer Profile

The Authority was established by virtue of the National Energy Authority Act 2021. Formerly the Energy Wing of the Department of Petroleum and Energy, the call for its separation gained momentum preceding the launching of the National Energy Policy 2017- 2027.
The National Energy Policy highlighted two vital points which given the scenario then, was obvious that without direct intervention by the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) the energy dilemma of PNG would remain unresolved.
The first being that the underdeveloped abundant renewable energy sources would remain immature and the second being the impoverished status of the country’s electricity infrastructure.
The National Energy Policy pointed out that renewable energy sources must be harnessed to provide an accessible and affordable electricity for households by sustainable means.
National Energy Authority Act.
The National Energy Authority Act establishes the Authority and defines its functions as the economic and technical regulator of the energy industry in PNG.

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The Authority was established by virtue of the National Energy Authority Act 2021. Formerly the Energy Wing of the Department of Petroleum and Energy, the call for its separation gained momentum preceding ...
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Goada Herea Building, Waigani Drive NCD P O Box 494, Vision City, National Capital District